Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers' Day

Sunday was Mothers' Day in Germany AND Australia. Arpa, Arma, Mummy, Daddy and Madeleine talked to each other on Skype and said, "Happy Mothers' Day!" Madeleine showed Arpa and Arma the wonderful things she had made at kindergarten during the week. One was a magnificent dragon with a long tail and scales. It looked very realistic.

Later, Arpa and Arma went to Auntie Hil and Uncle Rob's place for dinner. Rob cooked tuna on the BBQ and Auntie Hil made a beautiful Salade Nicoise. Arma was amazed to see her poaching eggs by wrapping them in Gladwrap and putting them in a pan of water. They turned out perfectly.

The highlight of the meal was dessert - Crepe Suzette! This is a delicious pancake with orange, Cointreau and brandy sauce poured over it and then set on fire at the table! If you look very carefully at the photo you can just see the blue flame in the ladle of brandy.

There was a present for Arma to take home too. It was a very good Mothers' Day all round.

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