Monday, October 5, 2009

Auf wiedersehen

Arpa and Arma drove Mads and Mummy to the airport to catch their flight to Singapore where they stayed at the Pan Pacific, one of Mads's favourite hotels. After that they flew to Frankfurt. Daddy was at the airport to pick them up. He was very very very pleased to see Mummy and Mads home at last.

Arpa and Arma were a bit sad after Mummy and Mads left but now they have booked their flights so that they can spend Christmas in Germany too. They don't feel so sad any more - they are getting very excited. It is really not very long to wait!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Botanical Gardens at last

The day after the nearly 4 party was the last day of Mummy and Mads's holiday in Melbourne. In the morning Mummy had to see her editor so Arpa and Arma took Mads to the Botanical Gardens to give her some exercise before the long flight.
Arma and Mads had a hurdle race. Arma didn't realise that it was a handicap event and that she was running off scratch. Can you guess who won?

Mads had a good play and did a dance. Then it was time for a Devonshire morning tea and a quick trip to the souvenir shop to buy some koalas for Mads to take to her kinder friends in Frankfurt.

Nearly 4 Birthday

Sunday 13th September was Mads's 3&11/12 birthday celebration. A picnic was planned at the Botanical Gardens but the weather was threatening so we decided to have the party at Arma's and Arpa's. Lots of people squeezed into their apartment where we played some traditional birthday party games and had some yummy food. Auntie Hil made a beautiful echidna cake complete with chocolate spikes. It looked and tasted amazing.

Mads and Sebastian dressed up as stormtroopers, Ol dressed up as a dragon and other kids dressed up in whatever Arma could find. They raced round and round and up and down the balconies and stairwells having lots of fun.

There were some lovely presents for Mads - best of all was the bed quilt Auntie Hil had made her to take back to Germany.