Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Three more sleeps to go

It's Thursday now and Arma and Arpa are nearly ready with the preparations for Mummy and Mads's visit

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

4 more sleeps to go

This is Wednesday so Mads and Mere will be here after 4 more nights and days!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Only 5 more sleeps to go!

Now it's Tuesday so there are only 5 more sleeps to go before Arma and Arpa get to see Mads and Mummy again.

It is rainy and cold today but the weather man says it will be warmer on the weekend - maybe 20 degrees

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mads and Mummy will soon be visiting Australia
After six more sleeps Mads and Mummy are going to Melbourne for a holiday. They will stay some of the time with Arpa and Arma and sometimes with other friends.
Arma and Arpa have been getting ready. They have bought a bunk bed and are storing stuff away so Mads and Mummy will have somewhere to put their clothes. Colleen Hippo and Dermie will be very pleased to see Mads again.

On Sunday the furniture and the carpet in the living room were cleaned so Mads could play without catching germs. The sofas and chair are still wet so Arpa and Arma are sitting on picnic chairs until they dry. The furniture smells like a wet dog so everyone will be very happy when it is dry again.

On Saturday Arma will buy some of Mads’ favourite foods and she has already been to the Stonnington Library to borrow some DVDs and books.
On Sunday Arpa and Arma will be at the airport at a quarter to five in the morning to meet Mads and Mummy as they get off the plane. They are very excited to think they will soon be able to give them a big hug.

Only six more sleeps to go!

Monday, August 3, 2009


On Saturday all the horses in the southern part of the world had their birthday. Arma wanted to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to a horse but did not see a single horse all day. No horses at the Prahran market (except on the merry-go-round), no horses on the St Kilda Beach tram and no horses at Ikea.

Never mind! The next day was Arpa’s birthday and there he was, right beside her so Arma could easily say ‘Happy Birthday Arpa!’ Arma gave Arpa a new bathrobe because the old one was split right down the back and every morning when Arpa leaned over the basin to brush his teeth his botty got rather cold.